8. In the Attic
8. In ttic
t nig in tic . During its passing so anyone about ood. It ed, norangeness of been so, t oo great for a co bear. But, really, han one.
quot;My papa is dead!quot; s ;
It until long after s surned over and over in it to find a place to rest, t tense t tain scufflings and scratcing boards. S t, because Becky rats and mice oget scurrying across ter days, ed up in bed and sat trembling, and whes.
t come about gradually, but once.
quot;S begin as so go on,quot; Miss Minco Miss Amelia. quot;S be taug once .quot;
Mariette t morning. t of ting room, as ss open door, s everyts and luxuries o transform it into a new pupils bedroom.
doo breakfast s at Miss Minco her coldly.
quot;You ies, Sara,quot; s;by taking your seat a smaller table. You must keep t, and see t t e t to tie ea.quot;
t o day ties given to o. Saug of sions. S on errands at any time and in all old to do ted. took tone from Miss Minc t;young onequot; s of t class, and empers, and it ly convenient to hand someone on whom blame could be laid.
During t mont t o do t soften ttle sed to see t srying to earn accepting cy. But time came ened at all; and to do as sold, ting careless o blame her.
If so teacructress; but tle superior errand girl and maid of all rusted commissions and complicated messages. Sy to dust a room o set things in order.
. Sauger long and busy days spent in running everybodys orders o ted scudy