Part 3-1
tly contradictory effects on us all. Firstly, capable of killing ourselves. And secondly, tion made us suicidal again.
t isnt a paradox, if you kno ty of ure. A long time ago, I remain nameless because you certainly have heard of him.
And old me t t time tempt to quit t terrifying day of t op drinking, if round to it, so as t o drink, t ted to do aemporarily confuse our issues.
I didnt properly understand il I sa guy jump off til tion, a , money in t place. It belonged to to go t extra t been t sat on my t of tter ill around, and y not to be. nig called Curned out not to be terribly germane to our story. Im not sure o go and look for C. Becks Suicide Intent Scale? Pretty . Beck ree. No one could say tent there.
e got off t roof s not to , in ttle toppers previous, after all, and by oy of tory - unand less of it, rat t.
So as damaged lungs and varicosed legs us, and our separate oo nervous to go for a drink in te vicinity, and too nervous to travel in a taxi togettered t pub to toppers full of un come doele?
Does try to get text to mix o mix ions again ternoon in Starbucks, and everyone e aftermat ly clear t tomers: young mots udents… I tried to imagine talking to any of t it to people jumping off to from tting h.
I guy, said JJ. Man. , you know. A drama queen. A male drama queen.
A drama king, said Jess. .
ts very s of o strike me as someone hing on your scale, anyway.
Itll b