d Fa Ztering grainaround the floor]: Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.
[ttle Broto temple and begin to feed on thegrain]
Fa Zhou: Please, PLEASE, help her.
[Mulan steps up to temple seeing Little Brotrying toget tick do Little brottle brotinues toemple]
Mulan [calling out]: Fat your--o tceapot he handle ofhis cane]
Fa Zhou: Mulan--
Mulan: I broug a cup from underneato pour tea]
Fa Zhou: Mulan--
Mulan [or said tea in the morning--
Fa Zhou: Mulan--
Mulan: And t night.
Fa Zoing on you to up--
Mulan: --up let you doing on airs]
Fa Z]: o o...pray some more.[Fa Zurns and o temple]
[Cut to toh Fa Li looking worried]
Bat of er ? tc a patient he building]
Fa Li: Of all days to be late. I so tors forluck.
Grandma Fa [ all toCri-Kee] to prove yourself. [Cri-Kee ceps into a busy street]
Fa Li [excitedly]: Grandma No!
[traffic barely misses Grandma Fa as sreet. But treet, uncovers Cri-Kee]
Grandma Fa: Yep, ts a lucky one. [Cri-Kee falls over out offright]
Fa Li [sighing in relief]: hai.
[Mulan arrives on K accident in treet andjumps off uck in her hair]
Mulan: Im ern look from ? But Mama I o--
Fa Li: None of your xcuses. Nos get you cleaned up. [togeto tion area]
[Song: o us all]
Bato t you give me to urn to a silk purse. [Batition aside sh]
Mulan [spoken]: Its freezing.
Fa Li [spoken]: It would im