Marie, Marie, Hold On Tight
tle braved a rainstorm to demonstrate against tion on ednesday, April 26 (and Marie, you serproof paint; ter St. Joreet at 1:30 p.m. picketing ! / COGItO ERGO NOt announcements of ure at t evening. terest among bystanders in ty of ter came up to give encouragement: quot;ts t; about 1:50 a fat, rico dispute our rigo picket. ly and, I am sorry to say, did not look like a good man.
quot;All rig; ;no picket us!quot; ted, t it could not be picketed its permission, t it o o call ttle ained police permission for tration tunate bit of foresig Police ers. tensely irritated at tormed back inside to report to someone ;ell, get ready for tning bolt,quot; and Edle laughed.
Interest in tration among reet increased and a number of people accepted our leaflet and began to ask ts questions suc; do you mean?quot; and quot;ere you young men raised in t; ts replied to tions quietly but firmly and in as mucail as casual passersby could be expected to be interested in. Some of taunting remarks -- quot;Cogito ergo your assquot; is one I remember -- but ts all times, even later , quot;to get a little roug; (Marie, you s of pickets s ts are tened mostly not by t molest you if you go te bureaucratic procedures sucting a permit, but by individuals ry to pull your sign out of your at you. tter ions as to ture or purpose of tration, just spat and him.
At about 2 P.M. a very emerged from t s but seem to mind. quot;tration displays a Kierkegaardian spirit ; ed t ransfer