t bound in blue paper.
is it?
Read it, thomas said.
It was a will.
It is a her said, whose?
e t it best t you take tion, tely prepared.
I dont to make a her.
No one s to make a ill it is a prudent step t you ougo take, in your wisdom.
My e. Unmatcill, I dont to make a will.
Prudence and rongest suits, thomas said.
Das do it. Im too young.
to the sky.
Of course its entirely up to you, o leave your affairs in rotten mistersome disarray. . .
Im too young! ther said.
Of course you are, said t t may pop at any time. I ified it. Runs up t leg and er it leaves tential embolisms menace it. I dont to frig you get ture.
By t, t.
ting exed patience and disinterested pursuit of .
to? thy?
I sion. t step is tory. Can you give me some idea of ate consists of?
Vast, said t my steward.
Your stehomas.
Luke? Luke gone? On wy?
It best, thomas said.
ter things?
I believe homas said.
But ilfred is not Luke, ther said.
Best all as to the size of your holdings?
O notebook.
Youre taking this down?
thomas nodded.
Various lands in Saxony, he read aloud.
ts rathomas said.
Um, said turbed, so it is. Let me continue. Certificates of deposit totaling --
totaling homas.
te and distinct figures otal listed, said to be quite large, could one add it.