Chapter 6: TWO BIG BEARS
So Laura turned around and began to o cern and all, and ran. Ma ran o t;Ma, a bear?
quot;Yes, Laura,quot; Ma said. quot;It was a bear.”
Laura began to cry. So Ma and sobbed, quot;O Sukey? “
quot;No,quot; Ma said, ;Sukey is safe in to keep bears out. No, t get in and eat Sukey. “
Laura felt better t;But us, couldnt ; she asked.
quot; us,quot; Ma said. quot;You o do exactly as I told you, and to do it quickly, asking why.”
Ma rembling, and so laugtle. quot;to t; s;Ive slapped a bear!
t supper on table for Laura and Mary. Pa come yet. come.
Laura and Mary o trundle bed.
Ma sat by ts. till and strange, Pa.
Laura listened to t crying as t in tened.
Ma finis. Laura sa to tcring ts nobody could get in from outside unless sed tcook Carrie, all limp and sleeping, out of the big bed.
S Laura and Mary ill a;Go to sleep, girls. Everyt. Pa will be he morning.”
t back to tly and holding Baby Carrie her arms.
Sting tip late, ing for Pa, and Laura and Marv meant to stay aoo, till at last t to sleep.
In t candy for Laura and Mary, and tty calico to make ttern on a tle golden-bros on it. Ma oo; it e pattern all over it.
t suc o get tiful presents.
tracks of t Sukey and the horses were safe inside.
All t day ted, and little streams of er ran from time gre t nigracks snow.
After supper Pa took Laura and Mary on ory to tell them.
tory of Pa and t