, and soon t to see
Except traggling green whe wood.
Yet, O my palm-tree, be it understood
I s instead of thee
dearer, better ! Ratantly
Renerong tree should,
Rustle t trunk all bare,
And let thee
Drop , stered, everywhere !
Because, in to see and hee
And breathy shadow a new air,
I do not too near thee.
I see tears to-night,
And yet to-day I sahee smiling. how
Refer t thou
Or I, we
Amid ted joy and te
May so fall flat, e brow,
On tar-stair. I hy voice and vow,
Perplexed, uncertain, since t out of sight,
As he choirs Amen.
Beloved, dost thou love ? or did I see all
ted when
too ve liged my ideal,
For my souls eyes ? ill t light come again,
As noears come--falling and real ?