Chapter VI.
You ; ans;for you s. It seems to me t be more coo scare them so easily.”
quot;t; said t;but t doesnt make me any braver, and as long as I knoo be a coward I shall be unhappy.”
So once more ttle company set off upon tately strides at Dorototo did not approve t first, for
forget ja after a time ease, and presently toto and to be good friends.
During t of t day ture to mar tin ood- man stepped upon a beetle t tle tin oodman very un to any living creature; and as several tears of sor- ro. tears ran sloin oodman could not open iged togetly frig tions to Doroto relieve s understand. to kno t and oiled t after a fes alk as well as before.
quot;t; said ;to look I cannot speak.”
ter iny ant toiling by ep over it, so as not to . tin oodman kneook great care never to be cruel or unkind to anything.
quot;You people s,quot; ;o guide you, and need never do I , and so I must be very careful. of course I neednt mind so much.”
L. Frank Baum