Chapter III.
he Scarecrow
alone so feel to t ter. So toto, and taking a pail from t doo ttle brook and filled it er. toto ran over to trees and began to bark at tting t to get s, finding it just o .
t back to toto to a good drink of ter, s about making ready for to ty of Emeralds.
Dorot t o be clean and faded ill a pretty frock. tied on ook a little basket and filled it e clotop. t and noticed how old and worn her shoes were.
quot;toto,quot; soto looked up into tle black eyes and o s s.
At t moment Dorotable t o tc.
quot;I me,quot; so toto. quot;t to take a long .”
Sook off ried on tted hey had been made for her.
Finally s.
quot;Come along, toto,quot; s;e o ty and ask t Oz o get back to Kansas again.”
S, and put t of oto trotting along soberly bearted on her journey.
t it did not take o find t time soy, inkling merrily on the hard, yellow road-bed.
t and tly, and Dorot feel nearly so bad as you migtle girl do of a strange land.
So see ty try fences at ted a dainty blue color, and beyond tables in abundance. Evidently to raise large crops. Once in a o look at by; for ev- eryone knecting ted blue, for in try of t blue e color.
too many men and tle fiddlers played as loudly as possible, and table near by s and nuts, pies and cakes, and many oto eat.
ted Doroted o sup- per and to pass t Munco celebrate tch.
Dorote a y supper and ed upon by t upon a settee and