Ashputtle or The Mothers Ghost-1
But altake tory ale and centre it on tilated sisters -- indeed, it o t as a story about cutting bits off t in, some sort of circumcision-like ritual cory al tle or epsisters but tles mot is really alory of tory, t about to exit tive because s deat;A ric er to ;
Note tion to ;a ric;) ter is unambiguously ire drama concerns only akes place almost exclusively among -tle and -epmoters, of ed by botextual and biological necessity.
In tion to one anotims of t te because it is (quot;a ric;, quot;a kings sonquot;) economic.
Astles fat object of tepmotcential bridegroom, tical son-in-laers as instruments of es in ting.
If tand, are tims of ted solely by ttles mot tory, atus as one of tion more autative. t dominates tive and is, in a real sense, tive centre, t t makes all ts happen.
On er: quot;I ser you and al; tory tells you .
At t, is all is tepmottle, as a joke, and, in doing so, ever t is, banisable to tingent but atus as daugead, tingent but disreputable status of servant.
old Astle ser ttle an imitation moters of tles motill, post.
ition: epmots ter Astle to sers lie betles bed. Astle, no longer knoer of y, cindery nickname for everyturned to dust and ashes.
Mean for told ic or marital function, but ion t epmot is w married people do.
And it? Burn as s h love, anger and jealousy, she is dead and buried.
tory, is a mystery to me. Is ted see er is soiled