Gun for the Devil-1
taed glitter, gorges es, leafs tten, . C on t pokes its eresa tchis living?
s open. An excited dog folloing on to to gna tten rises on its o bat at teresa es, magazines, screaming -- insupportable! Sorms out of the room.
In tyard, ering a screaming pig. ts t of teresas made for better t.
Sely out into ty street. Empty. Like my life, like my life.
illo of Roxanas brot has a secluded air.
teresa skulks beside tones at ion. Morning, slack time; in voluptuous dés;Little teresa! Little teresa! Come in and see your auntie!quot; t ockings, -girl dress, her rumpled hair.
Roxanas doing t pours to remonstrate ter of it, returns to side on t teresa.
Joo play a Strauss z. Roxanas foot taps a little.
t puts doled -- takes off s ly flustered. Seeing becomes more courtly still. Still quite a fine figure of a man! And s a pretty girl s have been.
Joouco play a Strauss z in earnest.
Roxana takes ts proffered arm; they dance.
quot;Look! Look! Roxanas dancing!quot;
to to dance s, petticoats, torn stockings.
Maddalena, partnerless, lingers on teasing teresa. Music spills out of thel.
quot;teresa! teresa! Come and dance ;
Sloeresa arrives at tairs, peers the dancers collapse in a laughing heap.
S catc of ;teresa, teresa, scram! t;