blood be meant and t stirrings of surmise t ever s ed tos possible cause. to tco feel trickle beto a ionate nips too gentle to , out of it, took root a kind of mig of a flying bird.
tinued for a fe notion of past, or of future, or of duration, only of a dimensionless, immediate moment. At nigy o sop ttle elementary , enougo kno to inform s fastidiousness but s made her do so.
Sos t been opened since to teeto bite dresses and burial clot ems on tore strips of t absorbent fabrics to clumsily diaper t mirror over o nuzzle ion; t industriously, s gave out no smell. Srying to tussle ranger. Sation, t, mimicked every gesture of o scratcy carpet to rid discomfort in ers. S ed face, to s s friendly to, and felt a cold, solid, immovable surface beto ask ture to try to play eet once sation. So ly, but, ed from ted in t of asy, puzzled, to see how her new friend grew less in size.
t spilled into tionless bedroom from be- e . tive ears pricked at tep in trotting at once back to cered toenails clicked against tairs as s, se and verminous innocence.
Soon t it. t, little by little, reappeared. again visited c full strengto bleeding again and so it on, uality t transformed ime. So expect to prepare terly bury tied ted itself om and tood tory principle of tly, even if all clocks e solitudes, so t you migion of time by means of turning cycle.
exture and er mot of t and printed it on conscious memory, painful as t time ttle, in a firmer, deep