The Erl-King-2
rips me to my last nakedness, t underskin of mauve, pearlised satin, like a skinned rabbit; t miger. And so tream I have become.
Sometimes t random, all singing, strike a chord.
irely; . I so gro you could sales when I could lodge inside your body and you could bear me.
tters and goes out. oucates me; I feel my pulse, tone on ttress o dapple t birds in. Eat me, drink me; ty, cankered, goblin-ridden, I go back and back to o rip tattered skin aer, t t drencs slits capacity for drowning.
Noer from t season heir cry.
It is gro on trees and to er numbers because, in t is lean pickings. t ttoms and crack tones. But tles to t later you cannot see fall of feat a goblin feast of fruit for me, suc from to tex of at tre, t exerts on me sucremendous pressure, it draws me inwards.
Eyes green as apples. Green as dead sea fruit.
A makes a singular, wild, low, rushing sound.
big eyes you y, tive face. It is a preservative, like a green liquid amber; it catcrapped in it for ever like ttle ants and flies t stuck t in resin before tic. o t is till centre, looking t fall into it.
Your green eye is a reducing co it long enougion, I and vaniso t black ty one and I s, er, in my cage among t I -- I se.
t to do errible fear and I did not knoo do for I loved and yet I o join tling congregation in er tionately, gave ter every day and fed ticements and yet, o! trap itself in be t moment I saw him how Erl-King would do