Outside cened as if t of its oed pallor remained beers landscape, flakes floated do same, inner lig soo, at try road. Not e and unmarked as a spilled bolt of bridal satin.
t doelep of news.
the roads are bad. I hope hell be safe.
But tuck fast in a rut, budge an inc from very morning; at ttempt to restore unes, urned out s to find trol to take even enoug over to buy y, , te rose sed; t sed, no matter , once again be. Stle and been able to give it to stra broke ; t but to fasten around al and set off doo look for help.
Be-iron gates, a s, snoicent flourisure, perfect Palladian seemed to self ss of an antique cypress. It nig s s, retiring, melanced but for a lig flickered in an upstairs migion of a star, if any stars could rated t ce and sa of a tangle of till, te rose.
te clanged loudly s beoo loudly. For an instant, t reverberating clang seemed final, empic, ominous as if te, no from tside try garden. And, from a distance, t distance tell, singular sound in t roaring, as of a beast of prey.
In too muco alloimidated, o to, it came to , as at first, made of brass, but, instead, of gold. Before, ly in upon so many, many flo, free-standing jars of crystal t it seemed to its ake of perfumed breat the hall.
tly as it , time, no fear altmospy t ered a place of privilege en very eccentric and t of an exceedingly off t, tals of tinkled a little, as if emitting a pleased cs o all in t even tatutory