A Victorian Fable(with Glossary)
take a fright.
In the rookeries.
to spie a doers cooled ts in the hazard drums.
In every snickert and ginnel, bone-grubbers, rufflers, serers, sneeze-lurkers and s, out of the picaroon, fox and flimp and ogle.
A s a bloody Jemmy on t-t; tters crib belchers, birds eye wipes, blue billies and Randals men.
In a boozing ken in tter -- a cock-eyed clack box in flasear by the I desire.
But er of life doiscripturally t t.
quot;t t! Me dumpling depot is fair all-overis;
ainly ulated. t;Square t; But ter.
At c on the nose for her jomer.
S and out glorious sinner. ts, Joe Savace and storrac.
quot;Pray God,quot; s;t op-an, plouged, s lapped tter, cant see a o Bungay Fair and lose bot;
But o . a capital t for a batty fang and ime; schy fancy-bloke.
quot;You mouldy old bed-fagot, you rotten old gooseberry pudden, you ugly old Gill, you flea-ridden old moll!quot; ed. quot;Ill give you jessie, you Mullingar ;
A barnacled cove (a spoffy blackberry se fringe) from top floor back sang out: quot;Knife it, you ler! Sto; But got a stunning fag on t sent o Albertopolis.
S t slubberdegullion. ill s flop doepped it for toad, to go to Joe Blake tlemy.
wig on her.
quot; to go to tical care-grinder!quot; s; to be marinated! Ill never poll up ty, beef-ros like him again!
quot;Im fairly in fadge, it just fadge. un reak. Ill pick up my sticks and cut.quot;
So sed