EARLY WORK-The Man Who Loved a Double Bass
and Jennifers. But t students clustered safely at to giggle. tiged teddy girls dropped ty; like valkyries ttle, cers on. ted faces flickered in and out of t t trickled the public bar.
No aside top s, truments and trality. Simeon saain in termittent ligalian youte lapels and sil th gaped open, howling.
quot;Not ever ; t exclaiming in an apologetic frenzy. terings and trembling. Simeon took o te bar to sootch.
quot;Quite like t famous,quot; panted Nelson, defending the microphone.
But it tied like a bat. ttle exclamations of triumphe room.
quot;ould I be suco call t; demanded Simeon rorically. So t for a drink.
quot;; said someone later, quot;;
quot;Not since ts out.quot;
quot;ell, matter? Im going to bed,quot; said Simeon. quot;Ive a dreadful cold coming, I feel it. Not t going to bed s are . . .quot;
t about Jameson until very mucer, o bed. Geoff and Nelson, decently o go and took a lig into t all ttered glass and broken co the floor.
Sobered at once, Geoff climbed on to tage and poked anxiously among truments remaining. Miraculously, ts accessories a casualty on terrible t a nut-coloured firewood.
quot;O,quot; artled at tone of t;Jameson, o tell Jameson, Len? ;
tood toget Lolas patic fragmented corpse. Botoucitious sorro go into public bars ers.
quot;Do you kno seem rigo talk in a loud voice.
quot;I seen rouble began.quot;
quot;Even if to of company, at a time