in different s never made use of and eventually forgot t only dre clipped-nosed augty apprentices to do t t ”ters used to do it.“ So ter treated from turies after neers continued draandard form. I’m also sure t otill, completely unaeeds, dra too is ”a standard form.““
“My dear master,” I said, overruly did produce an ans seems t eacist also bears ure.”
“Not eacist, but eac even eacain miserable voice for years ackno as a matter of course, ers try to illustrate like turkmen and some like ting for years on end, never attaining a ented husband and wife.”
I sa pride quite definitely ruled ed to be all po I’d seen him wear for so long.
“My dear master,” I said, “over a period of ty years anbul, you’ve united various artists from tures and temperaments, in suc you’ve ended up creating and defining ttoman style.”
I’d felt ime ago give o alent and mastery genuinely astounds us, to be sincere, must of y and influence and become sligic?
“No dwarf hiding?” he said.
tery and praise but recollect vaguely t t not be o c.
“Despite being a great master of Persian legends and styles, you’ve created a distinct ration toman glory and strengt to art ttoman simistic colors of Ottoman victory, terest in and attention to objects and implements, and table lifestyle. My dear master, it’s been test o look at terpieces by ters h you…”
For a long time I reasury, tlefield, our bodies my wimacy.
Later, as ain blind men rol ter Osma