re closing taking up another.
e came across an incredibly beautiful illustration depicting to convey tain, tnessing Fer of love rembling grief-stricken Master Osman and I antly affected by taste of tears and sorroouc ed—as t masters intended—not to signify Ferrengt rato convey at once t tire world.
“A Biation made in tabriz eiger Osman said as her.
ture t s and t in t bettacks of a marten on tion in an unfortunate cat cauger’s trap. to an agreement: t, pretending to be ten and turn, tiously frees t from tand ter’s sensibility, ter uffed ther.
t picture of a mysterious ly opened one ion, urned to ened intently. I looked at ture avidly, jealous of timacy, love and friendshem.
Putting t book doer Osman opened to a page from anoturanian armies, eternal enemies, s, greaves, bo, legendary and fully armored tle to ty yelloeppe ips of t, bedecked in an array of colors and patiently co to fig to tell myself t regardless of ion oday or a ’s a depiction of ist of absolute faitually paints and conveys is a battle ing; I o declare furt turist actually paints ience, ’s not tome.
In tains interration t seemed to go on forever. I t ing meant seeing t depicting it as if it er Osman recounted ration migraveled from Buko , from to tabriz, and at last, from tabriz to Our Sultan’s palace, moving from book to book along to be rebound ings at to Istanbul.
e saures of ening and more expertly done t: Rüstem togetem attacking Afrasiyab’s army; and R