The Ballad of the Sad Café-13
Miss Amelia and Marvin Macy yet ser resting all afternoon on tairs. On t your elboe, tting one minute to seven oclock o ter. All .
It must at troke of seven Miss Amelia s tairs. At tant Marvin Macy appeared in front of tly. tos already gripped, and to ted and srengt . Marvin Macy rouser legs -- o t and tentiary. Stumpy MacPepped fors o make sure ter of t café.
t truck out simultaneously. Bot t a little groggy. For a feer t blo around on ting ions, and making mock fists. ts, ting, and t t it ake in once Miss Amelia fell, and anotime Marvin Macy caug spun op. So t on in t her side.
During a struggle like trong as t is o turn from t itself and observe tators. ttened back as close as possible against tumpy MacPs tigrange noises. Poor Merlie Ryan a fly buzzed into it, and ood on ter, so t forle legs bent so t tted outement in a rash shivered.
Per o catc arm and pinion it beruggled and got a grasp around ; t ling is tural oo quick and requires mucration. And no Miss Amelia and Marvin of its daze and pressed in closer. For a o muscle, t eaco side, till sed, but Miss Amelias overalls footprints on test s of terrible effort, it ricky to grasp, but sronger. Gradually s o t errible to c last sraddled; rong big
But at t instant, just as t caused a s so run do took place ery ever since. too testify ed t. For ter on least t from ters in ter of t at tant Miss Amelia grasped t of Marvin Macy trong back of Miss Amelia and clutc tle finge