time a door is made fast at my back, one day t to lock it. tired of alc, t. I complain of ted air. I complain of ting . I ask to go, oftener to t t dark and dusty passage at t. I knoo freedom, if I t come: Dainty ime, and s until I come out.—Once I do try to run, and scs ting me go.
Ricakes me upstairs, and s me.
Im sorry, . But you kno, for t ing, you told me once. you oblige us?
t ened, t bruise quite fades, I will escape!
I pass many , in tc t—Per me, I times it almost seems t tir of ty and Jo cards and dice. Noo be sold to Mr Ibbs and tonisuff, it seems to me, all of it: s, ill bound umbling stream of t like t came to Briar, t came as if sinking to rest on t fatains, the rods . . .
ts ahe making of money.
And test money-making thing of all, is me.
Not c peckis taking a fever, I ans uck rugs about me, I let and c look at t going to smile? Not even—s to come. t follo aint so long, is it?
S, almost pleadingly; but I gaze steadily into o say t a day, an oo long, wh her.
O my . Still seems rato you, does it, s? s can you, t your spirits? ty rinket box? A singing bird, in a cage? Per. As a bad one, so over fast—nip out and get Miss Lilly a bird in a cage.—Yelloter, Jos pretty . . .
Surns in . t t, t from a beam, t to make it flutter; C. It sing, oo dark—it and pluck at its e ts cage. At last t it. Joakes to feeding it tcime, to make it so ignite it.
Of Sue, no-one speaks at all. Once, Dainty