in Geometry and Algebra.
t;Iliadquot; is beautiful ruty of a ; is more stately and reserved. It is like a beautiful maiden, ; ; is like a splendid youth for his playground.
t to-day is beautiful, and our room floor is flooded . By and by tle alas! t, and I so content myself roll in ter t fields and pastures and lofty pine-groves of try, t-in and conventional.
Even trees seem citified and self-conscious. Indeed, I doubt if terms heir
country cousins! Do you kno rees y to t and freedom of try. t even suspect yingly on try-folk, y quot;to see t ; Oations, to t rue in one sense and not in anot I am not uneacainty t somet and good o me in t city, o o be bright or sad....
tO MRS. ILLIAM ton, December 6teac ;roug; costumes, mounted upon teeds!
quot;Slimquot; jolly times t --! I cannot imes t I could oty I must not e my time friends are very eresting, and I usually enjoy ty very muc is only once in a great ented, and alloo my dear ly of all truly enric s and beautiful, makes every deprivation seem of little moment compared less blessings I enjoy.
tO MRS. ILLIAM treet, Boston, December 19t a selfiso ask t my cup of o overflo stopping to te empty. I feel ily aslessness. One of t for me to get rid of, is t I am slo t o s; and it grieves me to t I sten, even for a moment, t I already like poor little Oliver t I s;more.quot;...
tO MRS. LAURENCE tON 12 Nereet, Boston. December 22, [1898] ...I suppose Mr. Keites you t I ry