Part II. Letters(1887-1890)70
ody o be at mas day. e iful forget to send me some pretty presents to ree. I am going to mas tree, in teacs upon it. It ree. All of to spend Cmas.
teac for Mrs. o care for. teac or t so go ao tal, but ster no all. ttle girls are oo. Friday I am going to spend ttle friends Carrie, Et fun I am sure.
Mr. and Miss Endicott came to see me, and I to ride in to give me a lovely present, but I cannot guess e yet.
Mr. Anagnos is in Ated because I am say, good-bye. I ten my letter nicely, but it is very difficult to e on teac o give me better.
Give many kisses to little sister and muco all. Lovingly hELEN.
tO DR. EDARD EVEREtt on, Jan. 8, 1890.
My dear Mr. iful s nig you found t far ary. ed o cross t strange ocean. tle girls old t t you could make so many o come and teacime, if you ime to learn, but I am afraid you are too busy. A fetle box of Engliss from Lady Meated, but t w and as fress.
iting to ttle cousins, and Mrs. kiss for yourself, From your little friend, Part II. Letters(1887-1901)76
t of ters to Dr. ten soon after a visit to ;Over teacups.quot; [Atlantic MontO DR. OLIVER ENDELL on, Mass., March 1, 1890.
Dear, Kind Poet:--I of you many times since t brigo e you a letter, because I love you. I am sorry t you tle co play imes; but I tons birt many people came o see tiful stle island near Palos.
I am reading a very sad story, called quot;Little Jakey.quot; Jakey est little fell