Part Two-15
and fast. Sure, he said.
quot;tremity of our need?’
quot;tice? tter inequality?’
Doctor Copeland coug into one of t beneat is a very simple, concentrated plan. I mean to focus on only one objective. In August of to lead more ty on a marco ason. All of us toget yonder you ack of letters or Copeland slid he narrow bed.
You remember o you a s o you attempt to stand alone.’
I get it, Jake said.
*But once you enter t must be all. First and foremost.
Your give of your int, urn, rest or .’
For ts of th.’
In ty. And it must be either yes or no.’
Doctor Copeland leaned back on tly purple. Jake scorembling mouto side t pale ligric bulb suspended from the dawn.
Jake rose to and stood stiffly at t of the bed. he
said flatly: No. ts not t angle at all. Im dead sure its not. In t place, youd never get out of to up by saying its a menace to public rumped-up reason. t you and not. But even if by some miracle you got to ason it do a bit of good. ion is crazy.’
ttle of por Cope-lands t. o sneer and condemn, ead?’
I didnt sneer, Jake said. I only remarked t your plan is crazy. I come onigter t. I ed your son, illie, and to let me puso tell ero tell alk on tics of capitalism—and ss lies. I everyone and w off. And make everyone whem know.’
Psor Copeland furious-ly. do not believe you it o laug t.
Never unity to hand.’
tared at eacter disappointment and an