Part Two-9
ly tle of perfume in of her.
Biff uncorked ttle. ood sless before ts.
t made iffen. glance ood motionless. unned by t to because of ty, but because togete. Biff rubbed in e t oget can be urned away.
tirely no acky and flossy and drab. tockings and pink rayon knickers ring across to dry. ty, decked airs the slop jar.
All of traded tudio couc a beautiful cloto . it laid el tle boy in velvet ed—specimens of butterflies, a rare arrowudio couco make deep
red curtains for t e. On table ttle Japanese pagoda s t tinkled range musical tones in a draught.
In t often tle of Agua Florida and toucopper to to s. tions. t grew in him.
Memories built t arcectural order. In a box aken before tting in a field of daisies.
Alice o tle boy o c t o copy times play t time iful clot cable. But all, strong y like a man. S. Even now imes dreamed of ayed on his finger always.
Along a bottle of lemon rinse Alice ried it on e-streaked . o guard against baldness and rinsed ion regularly. Certainw he had ridiculed in Alice were now his own. hy?
Every morning Louis, tairs, brougo drink in bed. Often propped on t up and dressed. cterns t made on tation ween oes. he remembered.
til five in the morning he worked
doairs. And all day Sunday. till at meal-times tances every day as ood guard beer.
do you stand and t all time? Jake Blount asked him. You look like a Jew in Germany.’
I am an eig Jeerdam. But