Part Two-7
sources so everyone, not divided into little pieces but used by all to ty to is like t o he sons
r up to four parts and eacake oget is tural resources s by one group of ric by all the world as a whole.
quot;e in te properties. Per aside—but does not contribute directly to in to our jobs and any price, at any time, for any purpose. e are forced to sell our bodies so t and live. And t o labor longer for ts of otoday put up on tforms and sold at t o sell our strengtime, our souls during almost every o anot free men?quot;A deep voice called out from t yard. quot;t truth!’
t hings is!’
?And alone in t t remember. te te race, and te us. tohe mills.
People w as much in need as we are ourselves.
tred is a great evil, and no good can ever come from it.
e must remember truto eacice of need must bring us all toget separate us. e must remember t h of value because of our labor.
trut keep in our s
al forget.
But my people! e in t is for ourselves alone. itrong, true purpose, and if . Let us see, t is ture of this special mission.’
Doctor Copeland loosened t, for in t oo muc ts. ted. tood attention as did to ful baby h a pacifier. Mr.
Singer stood attentively in t of t on tigcruth.
today o confer tudent essay on topic, quot;My Ambition: ter tion of ty.quot; to Lancy Davis. Doctor Copeland took an envelope from quot;to tell you t t s— but trust and fait goes .’
Lancy rose ao . remb