Part Two-3
tly be Alice ed o turn to a ladies toilet. t for once tered one time.
ition Biff settled doo tails of teadily and ration, but from some secondary part of to everyt ill talking, and often on table. te sipped beer. Mick lessly around tared at tomers. Biff read every paper and made a fees on themargins.
t s. to an old song t dated back to time treetcar one Sunday to Old Sardis Lake and ed a ro. At sunset , and feelings. Biff folded t ter. ood on one foot
and to Mick.
Youre not listening, are you?’
Mick turned off tonig of rate on someter and comer after anot last tention rested on te at table. o ation sit doed to sometress broug a freak like a deaf-mute, cut off from ot young girl to sit doo table talked, and tes expression cc in t very still s, and because speak it made did t fello did he know?
tarted to go over to table, but eacime er till te —and in turned over questions and solutions in satisfaction. taken root in worried hing wrong.
[.ANY times Doctor Copeland talked to Mr. Singer. truly like ote men. ood trong, true purpose in a ote men could not. ened, and in le and Je is oppressed. On one occasion ook Mr. Singer and sickness and fried fatback. made on tient ed a sypic ced out to Mr. Singer tion on t incisors. ted two-room s housed as
many as teen persons. In a room cood. o tness and decorum disturb tients as would or.
treacobreak of influenza so t Dr. Copeland of t. ions of toomobi