Part Two-3
t il ten at nig s s plainly. One Sunday, typeer, s ty cents instead of fifty, and did not discover take until several customers o pay. Anotime sen dollars. Biff and looking at ime, rubbing fully and h his eyes half-closed.
t speak of toget nigairs aurant alone. ogetayed beer and looked after tcables, as om. t talk except on matters of business, but Biff and ch his face puzzled.
ternoon of tober t. Biff airs. itaken Alice to tal and tor umor almost ther hour Alice was dead.
Biff sat by tal in stunned reflection. hey hardened like glass.
tor inued to look into for ttle difference. ed eacail about cy-one years.
t ts turned to a picture t ored inside him.
t gold strip of sand. ttle che
sturdy brotle naked boys, t to eac, srange young faces no one had ever seen before. Biff bowed his head.
After a long er-in-laside. A fat bee craop of tly Biff caug in it out t time, and teness led out into tal corridor.
Late t morning seairs.
t in cases of real love t does not more often follo bury tes t must be fulfilled after a deat is as t steps for a time upon a stage and eaco an unlimited amount of time and cion carry out? Or per stay for tion of t t really dead, but groed for a second time in the living? hy?
Biff bent close over ated on many things.
ips of a ts, and now .
t and , and t dead leaves of tumn scraped on t early.
Eace and side a o t first and looked carefully at tion