Part One-10
s. ed a lever and to cut t of topped, Jake asked a feions and operated the mechanism himself.
t on me, Patterson said o t. I alo break in a ne?’
tomorroernoon. e run six days and nig four and sting up at to come about t t takes about a er to fold up for t. about pay? twelve dollars.’
Jake nodded, and Patterson a dead-we, boneless y fingernails.
It e lot. t te moon. Dusk softened tline of treet. Jake did
not return immediately t ain smells, certain voices ance, made op s noy street. ically, jerking from one direction to anot very lig aking place in ored so continuously in em set in a reaction. reets reet, and as Jake o rise nearer to do a teleptled ably, crossing urkisaco o himself.
?Resentment is t precious floy. Yeah.’
It o talk. the sound of his voice gave him pleasure.
tones seemed to ec eaco return to tes quiet room and tell s t were in his mind.
It o to talk e. But he was lonesome.
treet before he coming evening.
Occasionally men passed along treet very close to alking in monotones to eac rising around t ep. Or girls passed by toget numbly for some time, and at last to and walked on.
eavers Lane rembling patc in tirely dark and t on t steps ions from a neigo see by. A of a er into treet. A fe splashe peaceful sound
of a chair slowly rocking.
Jake stopped before a toget steps. A pale yello no ss and ed. One of tall and loose-jointed.
t and trousers.