Part One-9
companion ie were a red.
ted to turned to tcia! she called.
ing for you.’
A soft voice anscting on my right now.’
Jake unrolled tiff orn and a feained t. of te-suited boys on teps. Jake sa ts from one foot to ted.
Are you kin to Mister Singer? she asked.
Not a bit.’
Good friend?’
Good enougo spend t h him.’
I just wondered------’
ion is Main Street?’
Sed to t this way.’
Jake combed acarted off. y-five cents in il it tled and scarlet. talking among themselves.
Because lonely in to and so her.
planned for this evening? she asked.
It depend entirely upon you, all boy said. quot;illie and me dont have no special plans.’
So t to decide.’
ell------ said ter boy in t m-maybe us to church.’
t tones. O— K— And after c a notion I ougo go and set a s t corner, and Jake stood c before walking on.
treet and , almost deserted. realized until no it of tores sun. ty and dark. found any socks to morning, and t pavement burned t like a piece of iron pressing doillness of treet gave range feeling. and riotous. And no o a sudden, static .
into a fruit and candy store to buy a paper. ted column y-five and forty omobiles to sell various products on commission. tisement for a truck-driver tention for a fees. But tice at ttom interested It read:anted—Experienced Mecreet.
it kno o taurant t store o drop in and see Biff Brannon.