Part One-5
ell—you knoleman—s—this here------’
Mr. Singer.’
And stood looking around to see . And Mr. B-B-Blount seen o talk and ed old been staying here.’
Biff bo pattern. for a minute.
quot;to pile in e. illie to treet hey all come now.
to drag him.’
A dozen onlookers and a policeman all tried to croo taurant. Outside a couple of he ordinary happened.
No use creating any more disturbance t ted the drunk.
t of t as .’
t tled ttle croo treet again. turned to Biff: Somebody said aying h you.’
No. But as well be, Biff said.
ant me to take h me?’
Biff considered. get into any more trouble tonight.
Of course I cant be responsible—but I this will calm him down.’
O.K. Ill drop back in again before I knock off.’
Biff, Singer, and Jake Blount alone. For t time since in, Biff turned tention to
t seemed t Blount able emple. ed out of ely collapsed. te sat at table across from aking it all in h his gray eyes.
t Blount
rembling. tears began to roll do t e and raised -to-do? expression. Singer cocked his head on one side.
Biff ion. ill trying to decide urned over to e.
// you cannot to go some soup and coffee would be good for him.
ith relief Biff nodded vigorously.
On table es of t evening meal, t. But Blount eat. take part of ed to one diser t Blount just sat h and shook his head.
Biff enunciated slo te could see. tte