chapter 19
to stop t tomasso, dead in a dungeon in Astibar.
Ducas le. ook it and drank. Passed it over to Naddo, and to sit beside Alais on took the wall.
of t, the cheekbones showing in angular relief.
Ducas cleared . quot;e do some planning,quot; ;If sy tonigriad knoomorrow.”
quot;Sandre used magic, as ; Alessan said, not opening ;If tracker in Senzio hes in danger.”
quot;t ; Naddo said fiercely, looking from Ducas to Sertino. quot;e did it once already, remember. And ty men tracker.”
quot;You arent in tando no; Rovigo said mildly.
quot;Doesnt matter,quot; Ducas said. quot;Naddos rigreet and Sertinos o point out tracker t contrive a bra killed him.”
quot;t; Baerd said.
Ducas suddenly smiled like a race of mirt;Id be grateful for a risk to take tonig; ood exactly w .
Alessan opened t;Do it, t; ;Devin can run any messages back o us. ell move Sandre out, back to to. If you send —”
opped, and t to . Baerd tood up, releasing Alaiss hand.
ttle of sound from tairside tepped carefully over to triana in his arms.
In tony silence t, taking in turned to Alessan. quot;If you are magic,quot; ;t be very deal of po noracker in Senzio tremely likely to be captured and killed.quot; opped, tly. quot;But I caugime. She is alive.”
t iculate joy. Sandre literally leaped to and ruso claim Catrianas unconscious body from Erleins arms. ened to tedly, was Rovigo.
Devin ime to see Alessan cross t