chapter 16
o die in t feo side s to do again at t crossing, doubling back the way she had come.
t regea, and s be found, but to t he Barbadians so close behind.
So lose t to Sandre to make tact. Or Baerd, if he survived.
Sreet, and knifed over to toer. t in ty as s by. t, ser her.
treets ain fleeting intervals sopmost masts of terfront oo open and exposed. Se ss and curses.
Sumbled going around anoto . Every moment, every turning, sed to lead raigo ss cart blocked ttened t. Came to anoted straigime, past urned at the second crossing.
And ed to scream, but a eeto bite, violently ting to escape. then suddenly she froze in disbelief.
quot;Quietly, my . And come t; said Rovigo dAstibar removing h.
quot;No running. treets over. Look as if youre ; o a tiny, almost deserted lane, looked back once over ;Now down beer, quickly.”
quot;; she gasped.
quot;Sahe square. Followed you here. Move, girl!”
Sook , ted a er and Catriana ducked to t. A moment later t stopped as a shing long and sharp.
quot;Forgive me,quot; give you away w; She scissors she carried.
Catriana rigid for a moment, t a er s resses gatters scissors rasped cleanly t in the shadows.
t of noise outside, a clatter and ing. It approac loudly past. Catriana realized t soucly er t in to be seen. Catrianas breat side ac o something in her wild careen. She had no memory of doing so.
t. Sain of sime to realize w was being done.