chapter 11
. In tance, east of t alkers o celebrate and o cry t summer would see.
Elena s s o his man.
S;If is part of t; But t , her own.
Baerd . S so say t sound
ead, t migo speak, s;You said you kneell me?quot; It range, almost an illicit pleasure to speak his name.
ly. le face, especially young as it ;Donar tio, all of you. You y years or so told me. Donar said I oo mucied to transitory battles of day, do you remember?”
Elena nodded.
quot; on. quot;I sa truly so of course. I understand t no I time an ansself. And transitory, must add to t you face s.
t, Elena, it cannot but be so. Everyts. e cannot afford to look only at our o is t friend of my life augyrants in our peninsula goes deeper t evil o ttlefield .”
quot;Darkness adding to Darkness,quot; s certain .
quot;Exactly,quot; Baerd said. quot;Exactly so. I understand your battles going far beyond doesnt mean tion. t ake. It was before him all along, if only he could have seen.”
quot;And t; Elena asked. quot; did to do ?”
quot;Naming o do ,quot; Baerd said quietly. across ;Names matter even more als live and die.quot; ated. And after a silence made deeper by t;Did you hear me name myself?”
It seemed almost a silly question. at top of oo intense for o do anyt answer.
quot;I did,quot; s;You named yourself Baerd di tigana bar Saevar.”
And moving very sloely, Baerd reac it to les, and not only ts widowed daughe villa