chapter 11
alkers been able to and because t understand.
inctively t it tio. it turning range se—ern bank.
ools. Rig matter at all. ten by t o deal . Not a pro even t now.
ed up at t sly as ting do t full to overfloainty, conscious t Alessan better, but kno task, and knorangeness of t
nig;Be gone! e do not fear you! I knorengt—onight!”
Gradually t greill, deatill. Baerd could tios labored, painful breat be look back. ed, straining to penetrate t t he hill.
And as ared it seemed to , t tly.
t t dissipated a very little.
ed no longer.
quot;Be gone!quot; , a ringing sureness in ;I of tors yranny in a land t and t to sion, to obliterate a name. Yours is a power of darkness and s I know you and can name you, and so all your shadows are gone/”
came to true! It ing apart, as if taken by a even in t of joy somet tory y at one and time. of flat and rigid at his back.
Mattio w would be a prayer.
t in disarray of tream. Even as Baerd cionless, urmoil, more of ted and spread, beginning to blo Baerd t bearded and slim, and of medium , and yrants t one t sigo t his soul.
quot;My s; ;Quickly!”
tio placed it in of tarting to fall back, slo first, ter, and suddenly t t didnt even matter; t didnt matter at all.
Baerd looked up at t of ted ;Stay for me! If you are Ygratruly t you noay for me—I am coming! In tigana bar Saevar!”
ildly, still screaming of tream, scrambling up t cold