Chapter 8
of too—for being t of it. t disperse ting took place. tcural for so many people. t of t and t speak.
tered tions. Croo form. In a fes everyone here were
only faces beains at upstairs y save for ttling dust, blood brig. t had happened. Dianora could remember.
So remain o run doo to let t. And at lengtated movements of a very old man. So Naddo and to . And t a backoe day.
Scurned t t did se- claains drao fall: in love, and for s, and terrible pride.
nig-er and dreer they could.
Later, over dinner, Naddo told t same nig oo mucing in , speaking to Dianora, for urned Naddos first announcement.
to be made e urgency torn and s axes. If a young man, a young man suco o get aely anding. glancing nervously over to wurned hem.
here will you go, Dianora had asked him.
Asoli, old to t. o Corte or Cigana did not go t t but did not turn; Naddo glanced over at .
to Dianora. Plans to slip out from ty tonig it for some time, been sure. knoo do. his morning had made up his mind for him.
Eanna lig. ice and time. te ime. Naddos left eye ely sernoon.
Later, urned back again, still crying.
quot;Goodbye,quot; o taring stonily into t-room h.
Seeing tly urn around. .
Deliberately and laid anothe fire.
Naddo stared at longer, turned to look at Dianora, failed to acremulous, tearful smile, and slipped out into the dark and away.
Mucer, as and c to bed. seemed to a er.