Chapter 6
o catcer in t really believe even Selvena . Sually she fell asleep.
S of lying on a op in a strange place. Of a man t glittering ars. S windy amid a
scattering of deh complex yearnings she could never have named aloud.
It terly cold in t last. tones o put back on s in t see t o ten twice already as he dozed.
Earlier, ain of t for tted o play . tomassos reputation. Everyone kneion. ; it of the plan.
So tripped ness of ted poker from ttocks or tomasso ed only to close all away.
For some reason it aeri t let . ill couldnt believe taeri t made to cry, t it, but going to let t. o mean more to ever had before.
So ain. to ignore to al suggestions as to w would omorrow.
t very imaginative actually. y o be olerably worse.
t tle imes, but notomasso kneo save then, as well.
t play.
Eventually tain greired of tomassos steady gaze, or else to stop. tomassos bonds and ts and a filt-infested strip of blanket and took airs to tibar and to them.
trance even on one didnt actually seem to matter very much.
ed ts ts. as tigried to use it as a feeble club. It was he dark.
tomasso , no urned o jelly.
later t to keep control of s.
entirely keep t as if lay in jagged pieces at odd angles in . Among ts ried to assemble a curse for rayal, but noto .
and las blindly somet t sound. . One of them.
rembling, but tivity seemed to back weep
any more. t