Chapter 5
rol of ook Devin by teps furto to a small clearing among a circle of trees.
Neatly o sit cross-legged on ter a moments ation Devin did t follo on triana saying in t morning. ogeto keep teady; cold, and it tle to do .
riana follo look back. For t ant ever it lessly competent until t and noered tling ease. Abruptly, and for time in t long day, Devin felt as if o a country of dream, leaving be world.
And in t of Ilarion, ale, so t it came to first time like a spell, somet of t spaces of , in t was.
quot;In took Astibar,quot; said Baerd, quot;ando his
peninsula from t. into t ook took it easily, for t t you know.”
raining to rialla ly, sadly, from a brancriana made no sound at all. Baerd on.
quot;In t year ttleground in an enormous balancing game bet it could afford to give ter-beloved son, Stevan. Brandin of Ygrat to carve out a second realm for o rule. hing else.”
trialla ill singing. Baerd paused to listen, as if finding in its liquescent voice, gentler even tingales, an eco something in his own.
quot;ttempting to rally a resistance in tains, ook Asoli province soon after, and , ely loyal and better trained. For realm. te almost effortlessly, defeating eaced toget year. Or after, naturally.quot; Baerds voice quite detacrying for.
quot;From Corte, Brandin urned east of o meet Alberico in Ferraut and pin Stevan souto take t free province in t and to join to meet ttle t I ted he Palm.