IN tUMN SEASON OF t FORtry estate t Sandre, Duke of Astibar, once ruler of t city and its province, bitter breath of his exile and age and died.
No servants of triad uals at te-robed priests of Eanna, nor tals, nor tesses of Adaon, the god.
ticular surprise in Astibar to triad and its clergy t eig. And impiety ibar, even in the days of his power, had shied away.
ty lying distrada and far beyond on tival of Vines. In taverns and krut traded back and fortifiable terror at a summons to t in Astibar.
All alk and speculation to alter t fact at time of Alberico of Barbadior Empire overseas and exiled Sandre into trada eighe memory of power lingers.
Perainly because ended to be cautious and circumspect in all ed ocol.
By noon of to by tern gate of ty. A messenger bearing ted, carefully co Sandres c tate seven miles beyond the walls.
In ttier sort season, it tyrant a single message-bearer— suc. Before tive, eye-to-ening, ripple of amusement at t e died ainerant musician—tibar t o come, t from tival was over.
quot;too ricunity,quot; teaming mug of k lined t;Brandin ting slip a co remind Alberico— and t of us—t t and learning is quite tilted toily rout Doarde or some silly acrostic to puzzle out, ops in Astibar three days from now.”
ter, t ival, ion t Alberico of Barbadior ly indulged alloions of sailing-time and tumn seas norte on t existed for just sucy prone to gambling.
But sly after t all er ten. So