chapter 31
t Matt s meteace, it tention of o, but . ts said, quot;t not commit adultery.quot; But C said, quot;I say unto you t after ted adultery. quot;
In ts in Confucius time said: C cut fireer for ts and yield to t of t is filial peity. But Confucius said, quot;No; t is not filial piety.quot; true filial piety does not consist in to our parents. true filial piety coonsists in manner, spirit y, said Confucius, is . It is, I eaco tions t Confucius becomes, not as tian missionaries say, a mere moralist and p a great and true religious teacher.
As a furtration of Confucius metake t reform movement in C fuss_even going to Europe and America, _trying to find out o adopt in C unfortunately tion of C depend upon upon . It seems a pity t tead of going to Europe and America, to study constitution could not be made to stay at udy Confucius. For until take to Confucius teactend to tead of t in tter of reform, not c of t reform movement in China.
ticle in Dr. Giles quot;Adversaria Sinicaquot; led_ quot;t;
tzu in an intervie to four classes, _soldiers, farmers, artisans and ;It is incorrect to translate s is a later meaning.quot; Dr. Giles furt;in its earliest use to civilians. quot;
Norut on ts earliest use, to gentlemen su.
t Cem in C. B.C. , ) and figo be tlemen, to prominence, became laituted tinguishe sword.
foreign consuls C not a civilian sc a gentleman all tary uniform.
tion tary man practical interest. For ti