ttOM OF t;MY name is Golg,quot; said t;And Ill tell your an our crash and bang.
As soon as t, everyone says to off a squib for a long time; o ed. And to going to carry it any farts t. And doools. turns and sees t red gloo s t? and everyone ans from thom under us.”
quot;Great Scott,quot; exclaimed Eustace, quot;are till lower down?”
quot;O; said Golg. quot;Lovely places; ry s a good deal too near to suit us. Ug almost as side, on tself. You see, ten all about it till t cras kno o our
tten o make a joke or dance a jig. But t t all came back. And of course off as quick as o get doo our oting off rockets and standing on to your me go and join in.”
quot;I t; said Jill. quot;Im so glad off tc really he seemed like.”
quot;ts all very ; said Puddleglum cautiously. quot;But t look to me like c running a looked more like military formations, if you ask me. Do you look me in tell me you preparing for battle?”
quot;Of course ;You see, knoc scle. e rying to slip a being seen. And t o comes: not kno on tcermined to figo Bism.”
quot;Ill be sis an gnome,quot; said t;Let go of it, friend Puddleglum. As for me, good Golg, I ed like you and your felloion more. Do you knoo t to lead out an army against Overland?”
quot;Ee-ee-ee!quot; squeaked Golg. quot;Yes, I kno terrible road. I it is no manner of use your o go . Ill die rather.”
quot;; asked Eustace anxiously. quot;s so dreadful about it?”