ice. quot;t; After a pause, and after a struggle in toget;You are rig; It .
quot;t; said tch.
quot;No. t; said the children.
For t fees Jill t remember at all costs. And no . S as if
s , t seemed to take all t of ;theres Aslan.”
quot;Aslan?quot; said tcly t; a pretty name! does it mean?”
quot; Lion ; said Scrubb, quot;and sent us into to find Prince Rilian.”
quot; is a lion?quot; asked tch.
quot;O all!quot; said Scrubb. quot;Dont you knoo ?”
quot;Surely,quot; said t;I love cats.”
quot;ell, a lion is a little bit - only a little bit, mind you like a - least, its not like a s more like a judges s yellow.
And terrifically strong.”
tc;I see,quot; s;t er , tter lamp and called it ts, and no a bigger and better cat, and its to be called a lion. ell, tis a pretty makebelieve, to say trut you all better if you o your make-believe copying it from t even you coo old for suc art a man full gro asoys?
Come, all of you. Put aricks. I he real world.
to bed all. And let us begin a omorro, first, to bed; to sleep; deep sleep, soft pillo foolish dreams.”
trengtment almost complete. But Puddleglum, desperately gatrengto the fire.
t e as muc amped on t of it into as once.
First, t been put out, a good bit of it remained smelled very largely of burnt Marsh-
all an encing smell. tantly made everyones brain far clearer. their eyes.