there was a lark singing.
truck inland and up a fairly steep, t top of course treader s brig and cra over the ridge and could see her no longer.
Doom no a mile o t lay Avra. ttle own of Narrowhaven on Doorn was easily seen.
quot;s t; said Edmund suddenly.
In to ree.
quot;Dont tell t; said Caspian.
quot;And pray, your Majesty, ; said Reepiced to ride on Lucys shoulder.
quot;It just occurred to me,quot; replied Caspian, quot;t no one ime. Its just possible t still acknoe safe to be knohe King.”
quot;e ; said Reepicheep.
quot;Yes, Reep, I kno;But if it is a question of re- conquering to come back her larger army.”
By time te close to trangers, one of , quot;A good morning to you.”
quot;And a good morning to you,quot; said Caspian. quot;Is till a Governor of the Lone Islands?”
quot;to be sure t; said t;Governor Gumpas. Narroay and drink h us.”
Caspian tance, and all of t do o to ning, all tors found trong arms. ts struggle but all tages ing furiously.
quot;Careful beast, tacks,quot; said t;Dont damage c price of t, I s wonder.”
quot;Coroon!quot; squeaked Reepic;Give me my sword and free my paws if you dare.”
quot;; (for t is can talk! ell I never did. Bloake less t, a third of a pound.
quot;So ts ; said Caspian. quot;A kidnapper and slaver. I .”
quot;No; said t;Dont you start any jaake it, ter all round, see? I dont do t my living