is my main intention. But Reepic; Everyones eyes turned to the Mouse.
quot;As ,quot; it said. quot;tature. come to tern end of t mig to find Aslans ory. It is al, across t t Lion comes to us.”
quot;I say, t is an idea,quot; said Edmund in an awed voice.
quot;But do you t; said Lucy, quot;Aslans country sort of country - I mean, t you could ever sail to?”
quot;I do not kno; said Reepic;But t;er meet, , Doubt not, Reepico find all you seek, tter East.
quot;I do not kno means. But t has been on me all my life.”
After a s silence Lucy asked, quot;And where are we now, Caspian?”
quot;tain can tell you better t; said Caspian, so Drinian got out and spread it on table.
quot;ts our position,quot; . quot;Or noon today. e ood a little nort day. e for a tournament for y and ts-”
quot;And got a fey falls myself, Drinian. Some of till,quot; put in Caspian.
quot;- And uns,quot; repeated Drinian ;e t ty not-”
quot;Squints, and ; said Caspian.
quot;O; said Lucy.
quot;And ; continued Drinian, quot;and ran into a calm for t part of t make terebintill t out a to land for terebint in at a little creek far from ty and ered. to lie off for t a sout ood out for Seven Isles. t a pirate (terebinthian by her rig)
over er some sing of arro -”
quot;And we ougo ; said Reepicheep.
quot;- And in five days more of traits and came about sundoo Reded and uals and er at Re