Dearest Kitty,
to do, I leafed the pages of my diary and
came across so many letters dealing of quot;Mot; in sucrong terms t I ;Anne, is t really you talking about e? Oh, Anne, how could you?”
I continued to sit e t I o confide it all to you. I tried to understand t year and make apologies for ions and dont attempt to explain ed t be clear. I ill do) from moods t kept my er (figuratively speaking) and alloo see tive, calmly considering emperament, or offended -- ing as they would have done.
I of no one but myself and calmly e do means a great deal to me, but I could easily e quot;over and done ; on many of its pages.
I Motill am a lot of time). Its true, s understand me, but I didnt understand ender and affectionate, but because of t situations I put ances in and h me.
I ook it far too muco and and beastly to urn, made in a vicious circle of unpleasantness and sorro a very at least its coming to an end. I didnt to see very sorry for myself, but ts understandable too.
t outbursts on paper are simply expressions of anger t, in normal life, I could amping my foot a feimes or calling Mother names behind her back.
tearfully passing judgment on Mot steadier. Most of time I manage to ongue o be getting along better. But t do, and ts to love Motion of a child.
I soot t its better for unkind o be doo o carry t.
Yours, Anne