and broug, gentleman of ime. one system of attention to females in t tall. I do not mean t inction. But sig in ties of a disadvantageous situation. I and bare-o a poor servant girl, reet -- in sucure of unforced civility, as neito embarrass ance, nor . ation of ter came before --tenderly escorting a market-, t it migess. to t o an ancient beggaro sristan, to tristans to defend t ill bloomed for hered and yellow cheeks.
in o tiful Susan instanley -- old instanleys daugon -- ual bac courtsold me, t reating ress ries -- to ed no repugnance -- but in tance . obtain from ackno in return. So resent s. set it doo caprice, for t littleness. ured on ttle better o expostulate erday, s s of dislike to tentions; t ss; t a young ion to expect all sort of civil to s a dose of adulation, s of insincerity, tle injury to y as most young t -- a little before -- s, in rating a young e to ted time, and s to ;As I am Miss Susan instanley, and a young lady -- a reputed beauty, and knoo be a fortune, -- I can speecleman if I s to ted up to for sort of compliments so my assistance; and I t, t if it o do me ermined not to accept any fine speeco t sex, to rongest claim and title to t;
I ty, and a just imes imagined, t train of courtesy, ions and beoely, os o ted mistress.
I ain tion of t Miss instanley s of consistent gallantry; and no longer ness ttern of true politeness to a empt, or rudeness, to a sister -- ter of ress -- t, or unfortunate -- still female --