Adam, One Afternoon
quot;My fato.quot;
quot;Im Calabrian,quot; exclaimed Maria-nunziata.
quot;s your name ?quot;
quot;Maria-nunziata,quot; she said and laughed.
quot;o ?quot;
quot;Not Esperanto, Libereso.quot;
quot;a ?quot;
quot;It is ter ter Saint Josep;
Maria-nunziata burst out laug;Senjosef! Saint Josep Senjosef, Libereso!quot;
quot;My brot; said Libereso, quot;is called Germinal and my sister Omnia.quot;
quot;t nice tioned,quot; said Maria-nunziata, quot;s.quot;
quot;Come on, t; said Libereso. doering-can and took he hand.
Maria-uunziata ated. quot;tell me is first.quot;
quot;Youll see,quot; ;but you must promise me to take care of it.quot;
quot;ill you give it to me ?quot;
quot;Yes, Ill give it to you.quot; o a corner of tanding in pots all as themselves.
quot;Its t;
quot; is ?quot;
Maria-nunziata peeped over doo move a pot, lifted anoted to the ground.
quot;t; he said.
quot; is it ?quot; asked Maria-nunziata. S see any-t leaves and garden mould.
quot;Look, its moving,quot; said tone or leaf, somet, ; a toad.
Maria-nunziata skipping off among tted dooad and lauge teethe middle of his brown face.
quot;Are you frigs only a toad! ened ?
quot;A toad!quot; gasped Maria-nunziata.
quot;Of course its a toad. Come ; sai