7. 邱园记事【Kew Gardens】
arts broad aares at tick o a standstill opposite to pretend to listen to ood tting top part of ted t t and ea.
t going round t. Let alone t needed for climbing a leaf, ful ure oucip of ; and termined o creep beneat, for t inserted aking stock of tting used to t outside on turf. time t season terfly, tionless in the sun.
“Lucky it isn’t Friday,” he observed.
“hy? D’you believe in luck?”
“they make you pay sixpence on Friday.”
“’s sixpence any it h sixpence?”
“’s ‘it’—’?”
“O, anyt I mean.”
Long pauses came betered in toneless and monotonous voices. tood still on togeto t eartion and t t ed on top of range insignificant e to carry ting as t surrounded to touc o t precipices aren’t concealed in t slopes of ice don’t s sort of tea t Ke sometood vast and solid be very slotle ables, and resses
o everyone except to o o began to seem real; and t it oo exciting to stand and t of tient to find tea her people.
“Come along, trissie; it’s time we ea.”
“ea?” s tement in ting railing urning ting ea, ed bird; but he bore her on.
ter anot passed ter layer of green blue vapour, in tance and a das later botance and colour dissolved in tmosp it even to and t; instead of rambling vaguely te butterflies danced one above anote sing flakes tline of a stered marble column above tallest flo full of ss fierce soul. Yelloed for a second upon t lay upon t srees, dissolving like drops of er in tmospaining it fai