ied in that foul a may be that statues of the saints had stood there, but it was not difficult to ceive that imps and devils had dragged them forth in the darkness and down to the uhs of some fur below.
"This is the room," said the housekeeper, from her furry throat.
"It's a ai. I had some most elega last summer-- all, and paid ihe mier's at the end of the hall. Sprowls a three months. They done a vaudeville sketch. Miss B'retta
Sprowls--you may have heard of her--Oh, that was just the stage there over the dresser is where the marriage certifig, framed. The gas is here, ahere is plenty of . It's a room everybody likes. It ays idle long."
"Do you have mariing here?" asked the young man.
"They es and goes. A good proportion of my lodgers is ected with the theatres. Yes, sir, this is the theatrical district. Actor people ays lo my share. Yes, they es and they goes."
He ehe room, paying for a week in advaired, he said, and ossession at oed out the money.
The room had been made ready, she said, even to towels ahe housekeeper moved aut, for the thousahe question that he carried at the end of his tongue.
"A young girl--Miss Vashner--Miss Eloise Vashner--do you remember suers? She would be singiage,most likely. A fair girl, of medium height ah reddish, gold hair and a dark mole eyebrow."
"No, I dohe age people has hey ge as often as their rooms. They es and they goes. No, I
don't call that oo mind."
No. A